March 29, 2013
Unbreaking The Egg
(No good would come of leaving this post up. But, at the very moment I needed to hear something ... nice ... Thank You :)
I Think Its Reasonable
If someone says your idea is obviously "dumb" and your project is "stupid" and calmly implies (as if its a simple staement of truth) that you're a bad wife, and a bad mother, and a bad housekeeper (and even giving the the benefit of the doubt about that food comment), and then says "I love you" ...
I think its reasonable to wonder "Why?"
My fingers are resting on the keys as I try to figure out how to respond. I'm not sure why you want to fix it. I'd walk away, lick my wounds, reach back into my life for real friends to reassure me and start anew. I don't know enough of the situation to say anything really, but am sending you a big hug. Remember it is Friday but Sunday is coming.