Category: Christmas

 Treats For Me (May 17, 2007 at 6:34 PM )
i'm not immune to treats. I love it when my husband leaves his change on my dresser and it has lots of quarters. For some reason it mades me laugh to drop quarters in my piggy-bank. Don't know why. Don't...

 Daydreams (May 01, 2007 at 2:59 PM )
Yummmmmmmm. Thats a much better intonation than Ommmmmm. It should conjure the most sugary treats in the very best possible shapes. Yummmmmm. Yes, I've been ogleling the Williams-Sonoma website again. I find it oddly ... soothing. Especially the NEW! petit...

 Yummy! (October 28, 2006 at 6:24 PM )
This is a recipe for the best most fabulously unusual Peppermint Swirl White Fudge ever! Which I lost, and then found and then lost and then found again a few minutes ago while cleaning! I've decided to share it with...

